Reading and Writing Support

以下免费或低成本的辅助技术软件程序可供任何人使用. The following programs, software, 网站和应用程序专注于不同形式的阅读和写作支持.

Software Programs

Reading and Literacy Support

  • Natural Reader
    link to natural reader
    • 文本到语音软件,转换微软Word,网页,pdf和电子邮件到口语文本
    • Customize reading voice and speed for your readings
    • Floating toolbar to read text in other applications
    • 在线文本到语音程序与选项输入文本从各种来源在您的计算机上
    • More Information:
    • Cost: Free
    • Compatibility: Windows; Mac OS; Online Resource
  • Rewordify
    link to rewordify
    • Rewordify将高级词汇替换为
    • easier to understand
    • 帮助在阅读中建立理解和建立词汇量
    • Difficult words are replaced and highlighted
    • 点击被替换的单词可以看到原来的单词
    • the text
    • More Information:
    • Cost: Free
    • Compatibility: Online Resource
  • Voice Dream Reader
    link to voice dream reader
    • 文本到语音的应用程序,阅读书籍的能力,自定义您的屏幕首选的阅读选项
    • 通过听课文来阅读,可以是视觉阅读,也可以是两者同时进行
    • Supports PDF, Word Docs, EPUB, DAISY, eBooks, 网页和更多的能力,整合您的Bookshare图书或图书在Dropbox, Evernote, Pocket, Gutenberg and more
    • 包括多种语言选项以及各种字体, including Open Dyslexic font, and voices, including the option to purchase additional voices
    • 在阅读中突出显示信息并将其导出到其他程序和应用程序
    • More Information:
    • Cost: $9.99; VoiceDream Reader Lite(Free)
    • Compatibility: iOS; iPad, iPhone, iPod touch
  • Spritz
    link to spritz
    • 使用Spritz测试你的阅读速度,找到你的最佳阅读速度,并与Readsy合作使用
    • 提高或降低测试阅读速度,以找到你的速度和理解的平衡
    • Spritz custom interface called the Spritzlet, 调整单词位置和红色字母的位置以增加焦点, attention and comprehension
    • 许多网站和应用程序都嵌入了Spritz Spritzlet
    • More Information:
    • Cost: Free
    • Compatibility: Web; iOS; Android
  • Beeline Reader
    link to beeline reader
    • Monochrome color text reader with Open Dyslexie Font
    • 阅读PDF文件,网页和电子书转换为PDF文件要阅读与此程序
    • 单色文本有助于眼睛更容易地跟踪文本行, faster reading by eliminating “line transition errors.”
    • Various monochrome color schemes for personalized use
    • More Information:
    • Cost: $1.99 -iOS app; browser extensions free
    • Compatibility: Browser Extension: Chrome & Foxfire; iOS: iPad, iPhone, Desktop
  • vBookz PDF Reader
    link to vbookz pdf reader
    • Read PDF files with this app
    • 交互式光标允许读者跟随文本
    • 使用标注工具,如高亮显示、文本、笔记和书签来帮助你阅读
    • Read books in text mode with the option for Dyslexie Font
    • Import PDFs using email, Dropbox, or through iTunes
    • More Information:
    • Cost: $4.99
    • Compatibility: iOS: iPad; iPhone, iPod touch
  • Prizmo
    link to prizmo
    • Convert documents and webpages into text-to-speech
    • 从Dropbox, Google Drive,剪贴板,Instapaper或Web浏览器上传文档
    • 立即收听文档或将其保存到播放列表中以备将来收听
    • Adjust speech rate along with the choice of built in voices; additional voices for purchase
    • More Information:
    • Cost: Free
    • Compatibility: iOS: iPad, iPhone, iPod touch; Windows and Mac Browser Extensions
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader
    link to adobe acrobar reader
    • Free PDF reader if PDF documents are readable PDFs
    • Listen to readings instead of reading them yourself
    • 带标签的pdf按结构树的顺序读取,未带标签的pdf按逻辑推断的读取顺序读取
    • Tagged PDFs will read alternative text descriptions
    • More Information:
    • Cost: Free
    • Compatibility: Windows; Mac OS
  • Book Share
    link to bookshare
    • 最大的为印刷品阅读障碍者提供无障碍阅读材料的在线图书馆
    • 提供无障碍的书籍、教科书、报纸和杂志
    • 有阅读障碍的个人可以注册成为会员
    • Books available for download can be read on DAISY players, with Screen Readers, Refreshable Braille Displays, and other Assistive Technology Programs 
    • More Information:
    • Cost: Free with Print Disability
    • Compatibility: Online Resource
  • NaviDys
    link to navidys
    • 适应和调整网页,以自己的阅读偏好设置
    • 将字体调整为10种可用字体之一,包括Dyslexie字体
    • 调整你正在阅读的网页的字体大小、字母间距和行间距
    • More Information:
    • Cost: $2.99
    • Compatibility: iOS: iPad
  • Yuzu (formerly Nook Study
    link to yuzu
    • Read your textbooks on the go – anywhere
    • 在课本上用亮点、便利贴和标记标注阅读内容
    • Filter your notes and highlights onto one screen
    • More Information:
    • Cost: Free
    • Compatibility: iPad: Web App; Windows App
  • Fokus
    link to fokus
    • 只突出显示您想要阅读的文本,而focus则通过覆盖使Chrome或Firefox窗口的其余部分变暗
    • 突出显示你正在阅读的段落,可以改变背景叠加的不透明度
    • 易于安装扩展与打开或关闭功能的能力
    • More Information: or
    • Cost: Free
    • Compatibility: Chrome and Foxfire Add-On
  • CamScanner
    link to camscanner
    • 用你的照相手机扫描文件、笔记、白板、名片或任何其他文件
    • 使用光学字符识别(OCR)功能将图像转换为可读的文本
    • Add annotations to your scanned documents
    • Sync documents across devices
    • More Information:
    • Cost: Free
    • Compatibility: iOS: iPad, iPhone; Android; Windows Phone 8

Writing Support

  • Ginger Grammar Checker and Spell Checker
    link to ginger
    • 检查您的拼写和语法,并根据您在Microsoft Word中的文本上下文进行修复, Outlook, PowerPoint, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome
    • 提出不同的、更好的表达句子的方法(奖励)
    • Provides training to improve your mistakes (Premium)
    • Reads your text out loud (Premium)
    • More Information:
    • Cost: Free; Premium $5.10- $11.20/Month
    • Compatibility: Windows, Mac OS, Android, iOS: iPad, iPhone, iPod touch; Chrome and Safari Extension
  • Ghotit
    link to ghotit
    • 在线上下文和语音拼写检查以及语法和标点检查
    • 将文本复制到网页中,程序会检查你的语法、拼写和标点符号
    • More Information:
    • Cost: Free
    • Compatibility: Online Resource
  • Voice Dream Writer
    link to voice dream writer
    • 少犯错误,使用正确的单词,更好地组织你的写作
    • 文本到语音和语音到文本可以帮助你校对,避免尴尬的句子或语法错误
    • 字典、语音拼写检查器和单词查找器帮助您在写作时使用正确的单词
    • 当你重组你的论文时,论文大纲可以让你的结构更好,更容易
    • More Information:
    • Cost: 9.99
    • Compatibility: iOS: iPad, iPhone, iPod touch
  • Co:Writer
    link to cowriter
    • 单词预测应用程序,可以在你输入单词时为你提供建议,并可以通过滑动手指大声朗读单词选项
    • Built-in text-to-speech reads back what you’ve typed
    • Grammar and spelling support
    • Export files to Dropbox, Google Drive, and other programs
    • 从网站和维基百科链接创建主题词典
    • More Information:
    • Cost: $19.99
    • Compatibility: iOS: iPad, iPhone, Ipod touch
  • iWordQ
    link to i word q
    • Context-based word prediction tool; including homonyms
    • Make your own custom abbreviation to simply your writing
    • 文本到语音的功能增加了呼吸空间,可以让你听你的写作,听到任何错误,做出改变,并赶上你的校对
    • More
    • Cost: $24.99
    • Compatibility: iOS: iPad, iPhone, iPad touch
  • TextExpander
    link to text expander
    • 使用这个自定义键盘快捷键应用程序,输入更少的努力
    • 创建自定义缩写,称为常用单词和短语的片段, quick entry into your documents
    • Insert snippets by simply touching on them on your screen
    • Use Dropbox to sync your snippets across devices
    • More Information:
    • Cost: $4.99
    • Compatibility: iOS: iPad, iPhone, iPad touch