
Check back here for our Fall 2024 Event Schedule





Ron Rozelle: Texas Gulf Raconteur.

5:00 pm, Spindletop Room, Eight Floor, Mary and John Gray 图书馆.

Award-winning author Ron Rozelle will speak about his experiences as a writer of Texas fiction and nonfiction. He is the author of eleven books, including Leaving the Country of Sin: A Novel, winner of the 2022 Summerlee Book Prize. 罗思高是 an inductee of the Texas Institute of Letters and recently retired after a forty year career as a teacher of English and Creative Writing. Refreshments provided. Free and open to the public.






Cookin' Cajun with Jim LaBove.

Dinner and Presentation. Currently at Capacity.

6:00 pm, CICE Room 113.

当地的作者, 艺术家, and historian Jim LaBove will share his family's stories and recipes that feature the culture and cuisine of the Bayou Cajun, Acadian descendants unique to Southeast Texas and and Southwestern Louisiana. LaBove grew up in Sabine Pass where he worked with his father Lazime "Cotton" LaBove, a commercial fisherman who operated Cotton's Seafood. Jim LaBove graduated 十大电子游艺网站排行 in 1970 with a BA in history. He is the author and illustrator of several books including Sketches of My 印第安人的生活 (2016, 2018)和 Cotton's Seafood: An Autobiographical Cook Book (2016). Chef Casey Gates (Department of Nutrition, Hospitality & Human Services) and his culinary arts students will prepare and serve a full dinner based on LaBove family recipes.

The event is currently at capacity, and we are unable to take new RSVPs. Thank you for supporting the Center for History and Culture. 

View the recorded stream from Facebook: 


 Wonder World Oil Company

February 29, 2024

Dr. Mary Barrett presents on "Black Americans' Oil Industry Experiences."

4:30 pm, Refreshments and Reception, Dishman Gallery.
5:00 pm, Presentation, Dishman Auditorium.

Dr. Mary Barrett will give a presentation on her research. She says, “Past experiences of Black people in U.S. oil fields ranged from horrific to heroic … Black-owned oil companies … incorporated to manage their own land holdings, 代理租赁, and to drill and develop their leases.” Dr.  Barrett taught Geology at Centenary College of Louisiana and is editor of Oil-Industry History, journal of the Petroleum History Institute. Refreshments, reception, and presentation Free and Open to All. Co-sponsored by the 十大电子游艺网站排行 Office of Strategic Initiatives.

View the recorded stream from Facebook:


gg 2024


The Built Culture of Southeast Texas with Dr. 泰拉一个. 达德利

4:30 pm. Reception and Poster Session. Second Floor Gallery, Dishman Art Museum.

5:00 pm. Keynote presentation. Auditorium, Dishman Art Museum.

Award-winning author and architectural scholar Dr. 泰拉一个. 达德利 will give the keynote for the Third Annual Greater Gulf Symposium. The keynote and reception will also include a poster session that highlights the work of the Symposium Fellows. Dr. 达德利 is an assistant professor in the School of Architecture at the University of Texas at Austin. She is the author of Building Antebellum New Orleans: Free People of Color and Their 影响, winner of the 2022 Summerlee Book Prize for Nonfiction. Free and open to the public. Refreshment provided by the Dean Lynn Maurer and the College of Arts and Sciences.


Making Space for Women


Making Space for Women with Jennifer Ross-Nazzal

3:00 pm, Science Auditorium, 十大电子游艺网站排行.

Dr. Jennifer Ross-Nazzal will talk about her work that "explores how careers for women at Johnson Space Center have changed over the past fifty years as the workforce became more diverse and fields once closed to women—the astronaut corps and flight control—began to open." Dr. Ross-Nazzal is the Human Space Flight Historian at the John Space Center, Houston, Texas. She is the author of the award-winning book Making Space for Women: Stories from Trailblazing Women of NASA's John Space Center (德州&M, 2022). Free and open to all. Dr. Ross-Nazzall will also speak at the evening screening of 阿波罗13号 at the Jefferson Theatre. 见下文.




阿波罗13号 at the Jefferson Theatre.

演讲嘉宾Dr. Jennifer Ross-Nazzal, Johnson Space Center. 

6:30 PM. Speaker's presentation followed by movie screening.

In conjunction with the City of Beaumont's "Movie Night" at the Jefferson Theatre, the Center for History and Culture will host a screening of 阿波罗13号. 特邀嘉宾博士. Jennifer Ross-Nazzal will talk about "阿波罗13号 from Earth:  Inside Mission Control and the Race to Bring the Crew Back 首页." Dr. Ross-Nazzal is the Human Space Flight Historian at the John Space Center, Houston, Texas. She is the author of the award-winning book Making Space for Women: Stories from Trailblazing Women of NASA's John Space Center (德州&M, 2022). Free to 十大电子游艺网站排行 students with a valid ID. Dr. Ross-Nazzall will also speak at 十大电子游艺网站排行. 见上图.