Master of Arts in English

我们的英语文学硕士学位提供了深入学习语言和文学的机会,在我们的学科研究领域的各种代表性课程, which include world literature, British and American literature, composition and rhetoric, media studies, technical and professional writing, and creative writing in multiple genres. 

After completion of this degree, you will be able to articulate and translate complex cultural, historical, 文学, 将艺术思想转化为通俗易懂的材料,并为自己在几乎任何可以想象的涉及人文学科的领域的职业机会做好准备, including 更高的 education, public and private education, leadership and administration, writing and related fields, 市场营销, public relations, 法律, communication, and beyond.

Further your education with a Master's degree in English.

Find out why LU's program is so unique!



Here's our own Dr. Jim Sanderson 用英语与负责毕业生招聘的Stephanie Broussard和负责市场营销的Natalie Rhodes讨论了哈佛大学独特的研究生项目和机会.

Graduate Degree Requirements

Departmental Requirements

英语硕士课程要求完成30个学时的研究生课程:24个学时的英语课程(或18个学时的辅修课程), and 6 in thesis or oral defense. In general, 我们鼓励你在研究生课程中强调研究生研讨会(课程编号为5000或以上). 在非论文的选择中,你可以用12个学期的课程来代替论文. 如果你没有英语专业的本科学位,或者没有达到B的语言要求.A., you should take the 36 hours of coursework. 在 alternative certification options, you may substitute the alternative certification for the thesis. You must defend either a thesis or coursework.

You must take ENGL 5335 Introduction to the Profession. You should then concentrate on literature, rhetoric or writing. 强烈建议研究生助理或希望在大学或高中任教的学生参加ENGL 5310英语教学和5312语言和语言学研究(语法)课程, unless satisfied at 4000-level. 

You should have a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0 on the last 60 hours of undergraduate courses. In addition, 国际学生必须在各项托福或雅思考试中取得高于十大电子游艺网站排行研究生入学政策的成绩.

的 degree of Master of Arts in English has a thesis, a non-thesis option and an alternative certification option:

  •  thesis option 要求完成30个学时的研究生工作:24个英语学时(或18个批准的6个部门以外的研究生学时)和6个论文. 你可以写一篇创造性或批判性的论文,或者完成一项被批准的书面项目. You must orally defend your theses.  
  •  non-thesis option, you substitute 12 semester hours of coursework for the thesis, 导致36小时的课程作业(可能有6个研究生院以外的学时). 如果你没有英语专业的本科学位,或者没有达到B的语言要求.A., you should take the 36 hours of coursework. You must orally defend your coursework.
  •  M.A. in English with alternative certification, 你将同时学习英语课程(24小时)和替代教育项目(15小时加上6小时的教学实习或学生教学)。. You should contact the Teacher Education Department. You must orally defend their coursework.

Graduate Admission Policy

第一个 and foremost, if you wish to pursue an MA English, you should consult with the Chair of the English department, whose information is on our 工作人员 页面. Following are things to be aware of prior to that consultation:

To be accepted into Lamar’s M.A. in English Programs, you must complete the following:

  • Apply through Apply Texas
  • 将研究生申请和本科和研究生工作的官方成绩单发送到研究生招生处.  
  • 向英语系主任发送一份一到三页的电子“目的陈述”。, detailing your educational background; personal interests in graduate language, 文学, writing or rhetorical study; and desired career path.
  • 如果部门要求(如果部门对你不熟悉),请提供一份写作样本, 该部门可能会要求您提交最多20页的本科创意或学术写作组合,以支持您的申请和/或推荐信)。.

For acceptance, you must meet the following criteria:

  • 3.在过去60个小时的高级课程或高级英语课程中,平均绩点为0
  • “目的声明”,表明与部门的产品互补匹配
  • Acceptable writing sample

If you have less than a 3.0 in advanced English courses or in the last 60 hours, 然后你可以向研究生招生处提交GRE成绩,以获得额外的考虑. You are encouraged to submit GRE scores if you have them.

的 Department may admit a student on a conditional basis. 

由于我们对写作的重视,研究生课程将要求国际学生完成 更高的 托福和雅思成绩高于拉马尔的研究生英语水平要求.

After graduate students take 12 hours, 审查委员会将根据他们的GPA和课程完成情况评估他们的表现. As a baseline, after 12 hours, you must have a cumulative GPA in all graduate English courses of at least 2.5 to continue graduate study, recognizing that the minimum GPA to remain in good academic standing is 3.0, which is the minimum GPA required for graduation.


Graduate Program Review  

主席和写作主任(或同等任命的委员会)将监督你的进度和建议,并批准你的学习和课程选择. 在您完成12小时后,主席和/或写作主任将审查您的进度. Among other criteria, the Chair and/or the Writing Directing, consulting with other Graduate 教师, will assess your overall GPA (3.0 minimum), ability to meet deadlines, ethical integrity, respect for colleagues and peers, 不断提高对专业机会的认识,以及撰写学术/创造性论文或掌握通过口试所需的课程作业的可能性. 

Oral defenses—thesis and non-thesis

第一个, you should ask a professor to head the committee, 申请时间不迟于毕业前一个学期(如果可能的话), it should be done sooner than this). 

第二个, 你和委员会主任应该商量一下委员会其他可能的成员, and once you and the committee head have agreed on a list of names, 你有责任与其他可能的成员进行第一次接触,并至少达成一个非正式的协议(建议你在初次接触时亲自见见这些可能的成员)。. 然后你和委员会主任都应该确保委员会成员在英语和现代语言系办公室正式登记. 您应该有论文或审查委员会所有成员的初始G-3表格(用于建立论文或审查委员会的表格).  

在 semester that you hope to graduate, you and/or the committee chair should notify the main office.  We will contact the members of the committee, 安排时间和准备G-5表格,由你和委员会成员签署. If you are taking the 36 hour exam option, then the office will collect questions from faculty members who have taught you.  

As the exam date approaches, the main office will provide the committee head with a G-7, which will be completed and turned in when you pass the exam.  

如果委员会认为你没有充分通过论文答辩或口试, the G-7 provides space for commentary. 如果委员会认为你在论文答辩或口试中不够充分, it may recommend that you complete written answers to certain questions, 在委员会指定的时间内完成一项关于特定问题/主题的研究或书面项目,或圆满完成另一项口头考试,最长不超过一个学期. 的se conditions should be filed in the main office and on the G-7.   

Committee heads should keep up with the processes and forms specified above.