


11月4日, 2020 

举行 on 8th 图书馆楼层及 via Teams由于 Covid 

3点30分,会员开始入会5 PM. 

参加: 教师:  

阿什利·L. Dockens, 贝赫那E. Tokgoz, 布拉德•变硬 伊森, Cheng-Hsien兰, 克里斯托弗·B. 马丁, Chun-Wei姚明, 辛迪·卡明斯, 克里斯蒂娜·里奥斯,黛比·特罗克斯克莱尔,唐娜·S. 埃德加多·阿佐迪. 埃里克·C·普约尔斯. 香农,权恩镇,詹姆斯·纳尔逊,詹姆斯·W. Jennifer R . Armacost报道. 福勒,杰里米·谢尔顿,张静,约翰·D. 麦科洛,约翰·戈萨奇,凯利·M. 特拉维斯·怀特. Prokop, Trina Nolen,弗吉尼亚州K. 维维克·S·谢尔顿. Natarajan,刘文,Xenia Fedorchenko,佐藤靖子,李乐清,Kelly O. Weeks, Kenneth Young, Kimberly wallett - chalam...劳伦斯·J. 利安·奥斯本. Chisholm, Matthew Hoch, Melissa A. 赖利,乔米恩,米莉森特. 南希·M·穆斯约卡. Staub, Nicki L. Michalski, 帕特Heintzelman, 保罗·海明威进行, 雷蒙德·多伊, 里卡多结肠, 罗伯特缺口, Ruhai王, 露丝L. 罗宾逊,年代. Maryam Vasefi, Serdar Ilban, Sujing Wang, Tilisa N. Thibodeaux, Tim McCoy

召集会议: 3:31 PM.  

演讲嘉宾:Kenneth Evans 

Asked by 教师参议院 President to speak about the current state of higher education 和 how specifically 十大电子游艺网站排行 is being affected.  

资助: 各州的支持 美国各地 明显下降——德克萨斯州的失业率是5-10% 减少,但 各州的预算似乎很强劲,希望不会需要那么多.  

学位/证书/灵活性:变化 在陆 正在为学生创造其他选择吗 (e.g.证书等.). 有一些公众观点认为,一个大学生 学位 is overqualifying 许多工作的学生至少有一个单身汉的人应该更敏捷. 德州作为一个州泰特正在改变他们支持教育的方式 (e.g. 60 x30计划).  

申请人数减少:传统学生申请- 在美国, we are seeing less high school graduates 和 therefore applicants to higher education due to decreases in birthrates approximately 18 years ago.  Covid 也减少了我们的数字,因为11/12th 学生们纷纷退学. But students taking courses online – lower preparation – may affect matriculation 和 our costs at university level. Beaumont/Golden Triangle area not growing in population (Dallas, Houston, Valley, 等. 扩大了——增加了西班牙裔学生的入学人数)国际学生入学率下降-哈维-华盛顿变化等. 

陆数字: Last 2-3 years of student recruiting has recovered the international 和 student decline from Harvey but mostly in the online space (ed counseling is highest because of changes in K-12 ratio of student to counselor requirements; MBA; MIS; 等.) -祝贺在这方面提供帮助的教职员工留校率和毕业率都达到了历史最高水平 时间段. 

对LU的资助:LU正在经历一个 5% retroactive reduction in LU budget in last 7 months 和 projected another 5-10% declineTX Education is changing cause of 60 x30计划 – more heavily supporting the community colleges  

这是今年夏天在卢大完成的部分工作 was looking at advising funnels/clusters/meta-majors – help students pass th粗糙的 gatekeeping classes by switching to related majors – working with Deans on this shift 改善招聘/留用/入学以及时毕业. 

研究 – federal research has decreased funding in many areas with exception of NIH 和 首页l和 Security – 和 Education (e.g., 在乎, K-12 prep for online education) – LU does not have much external funded research at this point, 这会影响我们在卢的资金公式(减少外部资金)  cross-disciplinary solutions required – have increased rate of applications but not rate of successful grants研究 Intellectual Excellence 和 our ability to move forward as LU – producing applications without success is not building a strong research structure – Tenure 和 Promotion: very few have outside review 和 journal publications are not in strong journals – all of this has also impacted quality perception 和 quality perception indices – what is LU’s reputation? 不如别人强壮 大学; 教师 support has been increased 在陆 for the last few years but not seeing stronger outside validation 和 assessment (grants, 外部审核, 等.) -我们的研究和质量的完整性正在进行评估.  

其他障碍: 想要成长,继续成长 在校园 学生(充满活力的校园生活等).)及国际学生我们在网络领域面临新的竞争,因为 Covid 留校率和入学率需要继续大幅增长我们将如何衡量我们的研究和创造性活动 Other universities are open to vetting faculties work by external persons, groups, 等.在历史上和现在都没有. 管理是w。很有兴趣和老师一起研究如何制作 改进,但 我想我们必须 愿意从大处着眼,探索外部机会 因为这需要d我们各方面都在努力提高我们的目标.  

会议re:立法资金要求- LU can do well if they fully fund to formula; asking for an adjustment of about $8 million based on our size 和 cover年龄; $5.7 for Imelda adjustment requested; exceptional items on K-12 educational resiliency 和 another on crisis resiliency; 和 funds for library renovation to bring building to code (asking $75 million to gut 和 renovate) but starting to use HEAF funds to make some required changes 

问题: 多萝西——研究部——承担了我们从国家科学基金会拒绝的大部分资金, 一些国土, 国防部, Ag, (NIH没有那么多)等等.; cultural change to online applications is 粗糙的  NICHOLS: Cayuse has some issues with some interactions – but recommend asking Dr. 林来给我们小组讲话. 

批准会议记录: 批准…的动议 多萝西Sisk. 得到了 尼基Michalski. 运动了.  


教职工参议院现在有一个0约翰·格雷中心的办公室 is 雇用助理. 

我们有一个遗留邮件: 教师senate@jsllaw.net  

德州大学教务委员会- Jennifer于10月与TSUS (Vivek)会面. 23-24 和 TX Council (Cheng-Hsien) – lots of reorganization 和 combining departments to lower administrative costs.  

沟通链需要改进——校长/教务长/院长等. -要求一封由教务长直接发送给教员的遗产邮件  

Diversity (Harden 和 Chisolm letters – votes low 和 divided) – spoke to other institutions (教务委员会成员 可以签署并支持任何一封信) 

学术问题: 10月在网上见面. 21 -讨论博士. Lin’s proposal to meet MW 和 TR 和 have no Fridays – but Nichols attended meeting 和 showed why that shouldn’t happen based on space us年龄 reports for the last few years – proposed that we instead consider having Freshman in MWF or TR 我们考虑另一种选择 选项 MWF-T/TH的大一新生,然后是高年级学生和毕业生- M/Tu, W / Th, F/Sat - BN建议一小时制:没有55分钟和15分钟的休息时间, 上60分钟的课,只休息10分钟

体育部的学术顾问告诉学生们要问"I”s instead of a bad grade or dropping with a Q (Chris Martin) – may cause to be out of compliance with NCAA. 这个问题正在得到解决.  

11月. 18下次会议  

教师的问题: 10月在网上见面. 21 – discussed 和 moved forward with resending last year’s nominee (Christopher Martin), last year’s app was never received; discussed how to facilitate 过程 next year on competition space 和 教师 senate webp年龄; moving deadline to earlier; creating email for each 教师 senate committee for 教师 to directly send concerns; discussed some about workloads but will send that on to the workload sub-committee (especially how research supervision is viewed – service, 教学, or research); 教师 course releases seems to be changed about how they are being applied for 和 releasing info on who 和 why people are receiving releases

马特霍奇-释放是必要的,在手册更新 -发布时间的预期产品是什么; sent email to Xenia about 过程 of voting for college personnel committee representation, no clear mechanism on how that’s done – University level has a senate officer who communicates that to the Deans  perhaps dept senators (where not in personal conflict) could vote on department personnel committee 

Vivek Natarajan -教师工作量委员会可以回答Matt的问题 并充当委员会之间的联络人  

11月. 18下次会议 


Nichols responded to questions about budget – cuts equaling about $4 million – made $2 million from admin level 和 $2 million from 教师 level 

研究问题 更明智的问题 

事件:  还有一些人要求延期到周五.11月. 6 -将在第9周见面th 和评估  



电子信息传输 for signatures (Nichols wanted info to Chairs/Deans that more than one may be applying from departments) 

Post报告现在是在线的 (6个月及12个月) 



目前只有3-4个开发申请离开,截止日期是11月5日. 13  


Matt Hoch -富戴劳在副总裁政策网页上谈RSP激励; summer options?  

F2.08: soliciting input from 教师 of reporting software for automating 和 digitizing the F208 过程 (Engineering 和 Business in the past); many 教师 我们反对这个选择 

管理员非常有兴趣做类似的事情 任期内 和 促销活动 过程 


约翰·戈萨奇——为什么人们害怕使用? 学习曲线,灵活性问题, 成本, 用于操作数据的管理员; 等.  

Cheng-Hsien Lin – many departments don’t know how these work – can the committee provide a demo link, 等. 




Matt Hoch -周一有一个关于当前MAPPs审查的公告 -说明如何通过学术事务达到它 -字数限制在500字以内,但你可以多次返回 -可以匿名,也可以输入姓名/电子邮件 -请各位参议员发邮件到你们学院,提醒他们评论 





州政府派出了 提供信息,争取新的数字.  


Vivek, Jennifer和Cheng Hsien将从TX和TSUS发送信息  



  • 提出休庭的动议 多萝西Sisk. 得到了 罗伯特缺口. 通过了. 会议于 4:49 PM.